A Tribute to the LGBTQ(s)

God didn't care much...
He didn't discriminate as such..

Then came these certain people...
Minds full of dullness and feeble

They started raising questions that weren't necessary...
With antique thoughts and eyes blurry..

Couldn't accept the unique ones..
Started abusing them with slight puns..

Society was the name given to them...
Idle minds and no shame..

The unique ones came to be known as the third gender..
With restricted opportunities, they weren't available on tinder

The world pushed them to a corner,
Between the cusp of reality and without any honour..

They were only cursed and objectified...
literally eliminating them and putting them aside...

It is now high time, we banish this mindset...
Banking on rationalism, helping them come out of their closet.... 😃

                                                             - Subhankar Pal
                                                             - P.C.: Prerona Mazumder


  1. Osadharon 💓💓💓

    1. Thanks mate....a sub would be massively appreciated.


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