And That's how I got Laid.... ❤

You can grunt and giggle at the girth of my basement...
But that my friend would be a gross understatement....

But reality states and I must claim finally....
What lies between my thighs..I call it iron-y!!

Simile-arly I'm like a wild horse...I can run for hours...
Metaphorically, I'm quite the ass in the shower...

The metonymy of my pen being mightier than your ex' sword....
Antithetically shows that he's a demon..and I am your path to *Oh My Godd!!!*

You go down...I rise up an addictive detox...
Ah! The oxymoronic paradox!!..

I would ring you a like dinner bell..all personified...
You'd be ting ting ting onomatopoeia-sed!!!

My anthropomorphic dog 🐶 thinks you're really cute....
When you're dressed in a lingerie and me in a suit..

I would say bring forth your boisterous bosom and beaver.....
At that point of the aeon, crotchular fluid would start traversing through your river....

On a punny attitude I would adopt rather...
I'd like to dock my battleship in your Pearl Harbour❤

P.S.: And that's how I got laid...😎



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