
To My Bong Crush

Tomae dekhe, Ami bhalobashlam, Tomae dekhe, ami mugdho holam! Tomae dekhe, Holam ami aakrishto... Wallet e hoeto akhno roegache Tomar shei purono photo.... Tumi hole shei brishti pora diner chaata... Tumi hole shei kalboishakhi jhorer jnno gaye deowa kata.... Tumi hole pure jaowa shei cigarette e deowa, Amar sesh taan... Tumi hole dukkho pawa hridoer, mone poraa sheei gaan.. Tumi hole marrie biscuit to my cup of tea.... Tomar jnnoe ami likhlam, " will you,  marry me?? ❤️ "                                                               - Subhankar Pal

Free The Nipple

Big, better and juicy teat, all we want is more... Maybe you've never even questioned what the male ones are for? Or why barbies are absent with her torso a smooth latex plane? Or why is Instagram a men's only domain? For if anything shows the absurdity of gender politics Is the social media cencorship of female nips. I #free_the_nipple and no more Page 3. Which despite appearances is not contradictory. They ask for different things but they're on the same side They are saying a woman's body is not to be objectified. We ask Google, the questions we don't ask our friends. To see our nipples through an objective lens. Have a guess what the most popular nipple search is.. Are my nipples normal? Are they apt to be claimed as tits? Now let us please learn from this verse: there's no nipple norm. And that There's no homogenised form. If your worried about colour, size or texture? Let's remember, that the world is just another mixture.

After 2yrs of break up...

Boy thinks aaj akta text korei aar eshe jabe...max to max block kore debe...dhur akhon r ki eshe jae..... Boy: Hi *Shit message toh chala gaya... what a dumb ass...and I thought she would reply... Boy now listening to songs....* *After 5mins* Girl: Hi 😃 *Boy oh fuck she replied....Daamn...* Boy: Ektu mota hoe gechis.... Girl: Yeah!! Oneektaa.... Boy: And cute o.... Girl: 😊 Boy:I miss uh, u know..... Girl: 😅 Boy: hmm..... I know it's been a while...but tabole eto silent treatment? *After 5mins* Girl: akta text korte 2bochor laaglo? Wow I am impressed.... Boy: u know I checked ur profile everytime u uploaded a photo... Girl: and I hardly ever got to see uh..cuzz u uploaded none...🙄🙄 Boy: dekhtish tahole? Girl: yeah!...majhe majhe.... poems gulo besh bhaloi likhchish aajkal.... Boy: yeah...the break up effect i guess....😂😂 Girl: 🙂 Boy: fake smile?          Akhono habit ta gelo na?  Girl: I guess somethings never change....  Boy: Ye

Phi (The Beauty Quotient)

Your thoughts are intoxicating me Cause your smile has got the most enticing phi... Your thoughts are intoxicating me Cause your smile has got the most enticing phi... I would like to keep it subtle... But you would simply not let me... XD                  -Subhankar Pal

A One Night Stand

I unbuttoned my shirt exposing my well built masculine figure to her eager eyes. She was standing behind, holding a glass of water in one hand and a sweat shirt and a towel in the other. She herself was wearing a long shirt covering upto her knees. Her hair was completely dry now... and she had made it into a bun! Her nose was sharp..and a smile everlasted on her lips. Daaamn...the way she looked!! Putting the glass on the table, she came close to me. More close, standing right in front of me! I was stiff and also cold. She started dabbing my body with the towel. As her fingers slyly grooved through my chest, it felt good.... alluring indeed...🙄 I don't know...but the stimulus of her touch felt sooo good. Her hands were so soft and seemed delicate. There was this *eye contact* with a sly smile attached to the corner of her lips. I was daamn.. nervous!! "Achoo!"..... daamn.. I sneezed! Both of us giggled. Uff!!! Her smile.....😍😍😍 She


"Loadshedding" ___________________________ It was 10 o'clock in the night and it was raining cats and dogs. I rang up home, Maa picked up and hurled a barrel of questions at me. "Eto late keno hochhe?" "Office toh sesh hoe gache 9tae, and 10ta baje akhon!! Akhono bari firish ni keno???" Before I could say something, I could hear the *beep* *beep* sound... "Argh!!! The network got disconnected again!!!" I was standing under the shade of a bar. I could smell the strong but sweet fragrance of liquor more than I could smell the nostalgic fragrance of "bhejamati" The smell in the air was literally alluring. While my clothes were completed drenched, I somehow managed to cover my head. It was getting cold. Although the calamity showed no signs of giving a pause, and it was barely visible out in that rain.....the bar with all its red and green neon glowing wasn't an unpleasant sight after all... That night, there was n

A Tribute to the LGBTQ(s)

God didn't care much... He didn't discriminate as such.. Then came these certain people... Minds full of dullness and feeble They started raising questions that weren't necessary... With antique thoughts and eyes blurry.. Couldn't accept the unique ones.. Started abusing them with slight puns.. Society was the name given to them... Idle minds and no shame.. The unique ones came to be known as the third gender.. With restricted opportunities, they weren't available on tinder The world pushed them to a corner, Between the cusp of reality and without any honour.. They were only cursed and objectified... literally eliminating them and putting them aside... It is now high time, we banish this mindset... Banking on rationalism, helping them come out of their closet.... 😃                                                              - Subhankar Pal                                                              - P.C.: Prerona Mazumder