Free The Nipple
Big, better and juicy teat, all we want is more... Maybe you've never even questioned what the male ones are for? Or why barbies are absent with her torso a smooth latex plane? Or why is Instagram a men's only domain? For if anything shows the absurdity of gender politics Is the social media cencorship of female nips. I #free_the_nipple and no more Page 3. Which despite appearances is not contradictory. They ask for different things but they're on the same side They are saying a woman's body is not to be objectified. We ask Google, the questions we don't ask our friends. To see our nipples through an objective lens. Have a guess what the most popular nipple search is.. Are my nipples normal? Are they apt to be claimed as tits? Now let us please learn from this verse: there's no nipple norm. And that There's no homogenised form. If your worried about colour, size or texture? Let's remember, that the world is just another mixture. ...